Wednesday, January 6, 2016

top 10 technologically devoloped countries

10.                                    Finland

Helsinki after  rain : Stock Photo

9.                                       Australia

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8. Sweden

The second Scandinavian country and number eight on our list, is Sweden. Around four percent of this country’s GDP goes into research, paving the way for innovation and making it a leader in the pharmaceutical industry.

7. China

Certainly one of the bigger surprises in our list is China, which has managed to stake out a strong position in the technology industry. Despite being at the front of the pack centuries ago when it developed gunpowder for example, it is just now reclaiming its spot as a technologically advanced nation.
Hangzhou : Stock Photo

6. Netherlands

Despite its small size, the Netherlands has always been famous for its scientific research and developments in the field of technology. The current focus of attention is set on engineering, military technology, and aerospace.

5. Canada

Canada is not just technologically advanced, but excels in just about every field it has tried itself in. Its diverse economy, highly educated population, and responsible government, create a great environment for technology to flourish.

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4. United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has been developing advanced technology ever since the Industrial Age. As a matter of fact, this is where industrialization actually began, meaning there are few areas the British have not improved technologically.
united kingdom

3. USA

It is actually quite surprising to see the United States ranked third on our list, especially considering it is responsible for putting a man on the moon, developing the first atom bomb, and so many other radical innovations. It is naturally a leader in the technology industry, so the only question is, who is more advanced?

2. Singapore

This country is not only extremely wealthy, but also very advanced. Putting its money to good use, Singapore dedicates large portions of its GDP to research and development, especially in the fields of medicine, food, and military.
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1. Japan

Who else could you have imagined being the most technologically advanced country on the planet? Japan has made tremendous contributions to the world in the fields of robotics, electronics, automobiles, metals, and earthquake engineering. With 13 Nobel Prize laureates and a $130 billion research budget, Japan will probably remain number one for some time to come.
Robot standing on the street : Stock Photo

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