Saturday, April 16, 2016

A FREE new DOMAIN for your website and its absolutely free of charge.

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Monday, January 11, 2016


What is chemistry?

Chemistry is physical science which studies about composition, structure, properties of substance.
the amount of composition of gases in air.

Nitrogen - 78.08 %

Oxygen - 20.95 %

Carbondioxidde - 0.038 %

Argon - 0.93 %

Xenon - 0.000009 %

Neon - 0.0018

Hydrogen - 0.00005%

Helium - 0.0005 %

Krypton - 0.0001 %

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Great Scientists

Albert Einstien

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Isaac Newton

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Galileo Galilie

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Charles Darwin

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Michael Faraday

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The best book to read

quran bible and science